First Name
Last Name
Do you have a child who has a formal diagnosis of dyslexia?
No, but I suspect that they have dyslexia due to their struggles with reading and spelling.
No, my child does not have dyslexia nor do I suspect that they have dyslexia.
Have you struggled to get your child the support they need at school?
I haven't tried to get them help yet.
I'm not sure. The school has helped me make a plan, but I'm not sure it is effective.
No, everything is going well.
On a scale of 1 to 5, how worried are you for your child's education and future?
1 - I'm not worried at all.
3 - I have concerns.
5 - I'm so worried that I can't sleep at night.
Are you ready to take action to advocate for your child now?
Yes! I am ready to learn what I need to know in order to change the trajectory of my child's education!
Maybe. I am gathering information at this point and look forward to learning more.
No. I will wait and see if the school will do what is best for my child.
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